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Business owners that read business news will notice that ridiculous marketing mistakes are commonly made. Some of the largest corporations in the world, in fact, make these mistakes everyday. There are so many uncertainties in life and in business – that’s why mistakes occur. That may sound a little unusual to you but it’s true when you factor in human nature. So whenever something strange happens human nature is usually to blame. You can’t blame all of these, however, on marketing. Now let’s look at some ways to prevent marketing mistakes by looking at three specific examples.

There is so much you can do online and in business, and many people try to do all of them. Unfortunately, this tends to diminish all of the effort that you have made. This is the big danger with social media and it’s a serious one to watch out for.

You have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and each one is tailor made for certain audiences and markets. Figure out which one works best for you and then work only with that site. Later on in the future, you might be able to have more than one site. However, if you only form ties with one site for now, you will have a much better outcome.

Everyone seems to have mobile phones these days. You could take advantage of this by using your marketing funnels. But you really have to think about the most challenged denominator in all your marketing and site functions. In the case of mobile, the viewing screens are pretty small, and there are millions of older people using cell phones. They are going to see your message very well, so think about this when you are creating your advertising campaign.

It is essential that you listen to people, not ignore them. This is about asking for feedback about your business, your products or services. You can learn a lot about how you do things from customers that are giving you honest feedback. If you don’t ask your feedback, you are really missing out on a great way to improve your business. The opposite can keep you confused and doing too many things that are not a good use of your time. By talking to your existing customers, you can get the feedback you need right away. You should resolve to focus on the core principles that work for you, no matter how large your business gets. The same qualities that helped you make your first few sales can guide you no matter how much you grow. It’s essential to always pay close attention to what’s working for you so you don’t lose sight of this. Most marketers are strong in some areas and liable to make mistakes in others -so be honest with yourself. The number one reason why people make mistakes is that they don’t pay attention to certain key areas of their operation. Source: pagedomination. Also check out small business marketing.